This show is an exploration of how we do not see the world as it IS but rather we see the world as WE are.  Our own personal perspective is created throughout our lives, and HOW we see determines WHAT we see.  Our beliefs are reinforced by our experiences and those experiences are subjective to our beliefs. The judgements we hold determine how we feel about any particular (neutral) circumstance and how we perceive these are influenced by our personal feelings. 

The point of the show is to display how we only see through our own lens until we allow the perspective of our communities to change us, and in changing ourselves we change HOW we view the world.


Because I'm interested, but...Covid

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I'll probably enjoy this,

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Watching at home with friends

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I love art and supporting artists and venues

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Fuck yes! You guys Rock!

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I would have spent it on shows, but...Covid

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I support RLM and company in continuing their work

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Total: $0.00


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